Wednesday 26 March 2008

Tulsi (holy basil) tea

I came across holy basil while researching remedies for a friend who was suffering from a very run down system and fatigue. It is one of a family of herbs known as adaptogens which basically aid the body in coping with stress and pressure. I will research and write more on adaptogens at a later stage (and I have a book waiting for me on my bookshelf called 'Adaptogens: Herbs for Strength, Stamina and Stress Relief' by David Winston and Steven Maimes).

Unlike some herbal teas which, while being excellent for health, look like muddy pond water and taste... well worse! Holy basil has a delicious, naturally sweet taste. I tend to enjoy a cup in the morning and am aware of it's gently uplifting effects.

I recently ordered some from a supplier on Ebay who was very fast and sent me a sampler back of teas where holy basil is mixed with another ingredient (e.g. - ginger, green tea). They were all delicious!

Here is a quote about holy basil from the book I mentioned above:

Holy basil is sacred to the Hindu god Vishnu and is used in morning prayers to insure personal health, spiritual purity, and family well-being... For perhaps three thousand years, holy basil has been considered one of India's most powerful herbs. The daily use of this herb is believed to help maintain the balance of the chakras (energy centers) of the body.

In terms of moderns uses, the book lists it as helpful for: stress reduction, enhancing cerebral circulation and memory, antidepressant, allergic rhinitis - and more!

Well I'm converted - but don't forget, only drink herbal teas as part of a balanced diet that includes things such as chocolate! ;-)
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1 comment:

  1. I've recently been trying 1/2 teaspoon tulsi with 1/2 teaspoon mint - this also makes a really good tea.
